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Tuesday 30 December 2014

2015 New Year Resolutions

It's that time of year again when people start to think of their New Year's resolutions and begin asking you what yours are. I made some pretty firm promises to myself at the start of 2014 and I'm pleased to say that I achieved everything on my resolution list in one way or another.

This could partly be due to the fact that my 2014 resolutions were so vague it would be nearly impossible to fail. But mostly I like to believe that I succeeded because they were resolutions that I really wanted to keep.

2014 New Year Resolutions

1. Read More - Vague, I know. But I did manage to achieve this one. I went from a tragic one novel read in 2013 to a much more respectful novel-a-fortnight in 2014. This slipped somewhat after I changed jobs and didn't have my daily commute anymore. But I'm pleased to say that I re-discovered my passion for reading and have continued to read on a semi-regular basis

2. Write More - Another vague statement. However, with a lack of brilliant novel ideas and no inspiration to even so much as spit out a poem, this one was difficult. I decided to focus more time on this blog and I'm pleased to say that I've succeeded. I still haven't written nearly as many posts as I had originally imagined but I have certainly made more of an effort with this blog and it's forming into something I can be quite proud of.

3. Get a Permanent Job - Achieved twice this year. After a couple of years as a temporary member of staff, holding a permanent job is a relief. I feel a lot more secure and I'm being paid far better.

4. Pay Off Overdraft - I failed to achieve this one. I just couldn't afford to for the first 8 months of the year on my low salary around trying to support myself too. However, in this new role, I finally have money to spare that I can use to start paying it off. I put a savings plan and a new budget in place and I'm on my way to paying it off by this time next year

5. Lose Weight - Deliberately vague, but I managed to achieve this. At my peak, I'd managed to lose 38lbs from this time last year and was well chuffed with myself. With the festive season and a miserable winter in general, I know some of this has come back. However, I know that I can lose weight now and I've had an education this last year on how to do it too. I''m going into 2015 with big plans to continue on the weight loss/fitness path and achieve my goals.

So, with a day and a half until the new year, I've been giving a lot of thought to what my goals will be for this next year. I know that I can achieve the goals that I set myself now. I have confidence in my ability to do so. However, this year I want to be stricter with myself and a lot less vague. I hope that by this time next year, I can proudly say that I've achieved these goals too.

2015 New Year Resolutions

1. Read 10 books
2. Update the blog 4 times a month
3. Fully pay off overdraft
4. Lose 6 stone
5. Have a dental check-up
6. Drink at least 2L water a day

Had you asked me at this time last year where I'd have ended up now, I probably couldn't have guessed. Even now, I can't predict what will happen across this next year but if the last one is anything to go by then I'm going to learn a lot of lessons.

I know that it's unlikely anyone cares about the post above and that it's kind of like someone telling you about the dream they had last night (f*cking dull) but writing my resolutions down and making a commitment to them really helped me last year so I'm doing the same this year.

Good Luck with any of your own resolutions and I hope 2015 will be an incredible year for all of us!


1 comment:

  1. Well Done Tabz. Congratulations on achieving your 2014 goals!

    You are awesome. Good Job on being so prepared and thoughtful and having your 2015 goals mapped out already. I love that you have set challenging goals for 2015 and you are sharing them with all of us on your blog. Inspiring!

    You're super-cool. Well Done,
    xxx Jennifer


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