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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Favourites | Teapigs Tea

Anyone that knows me knows that I have a love for tea. There's a cupboard full of it at home, and a drawer full of it at work. From your standard English Breakfast right through to the Lotus tea leaves my friend brought back from Thailand for me. I'm not afraid to be adventurous with it.

As with anything else, I do have a favourite tea. It's been my top tea since I first tried it a couple of years ago and to this day it's still a deliciously surprising treat every time. It's the Liquorice & Peppermint flavour from the Teapigs range.

Ewww, liquorice is gross - right? Wrong. In this tea it is brilliant.

It's like magic. You take a sip and at first you don't really taste anything. It's almost like warm water until you swallow it and the flavours explode around your mouth like a tidal wave of delicious symphony. The first time I tried this tea I had to keep taking sip after sip and the effect was just the same. I'd never had a tea that had an animation to it's flavour. Impressed, I got through a whole box pretty rapidly and ended up on the Teapigs site looking for more.

I've since expanded my collection massively with Liquorice & Peppermint remaining my firm favourite but I have a spot in my heart for each of the flavours above. Apologies for the state of some of the boxes in the pictures above - they're well worn and well loved.

If you find yourself spending £3 on a Chai Tea Latte at Cafe Nero fairly regularly, then I'd definitely recommend the chai tea bags which will set you back £3.99 for 15 bags. Get yourself a little milk frother too and you've got delicious chai tea latte's at a fraction of the price.

You can find some of the Teapigs flavours in most larger supermarkets but I prefer access to the full range online, myself. The company is also a champion for ethical trading and being green too, which is an added bonus to a damn good cup of tea.

Let me know if you've got a favourite flavour or if there's any you think I should try!


PS: This post not sponsored by Teapigs or affiliates. I just love their products and wanted to share. Seriously, though. Try the Liquorice and Peppermint flavour. It will change your life - trust.

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