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Thursday 29 January 2015

Busy Busy Busy!

It feels like it's been a long and hectic month with lots of social occasions and more overtime hours at work than I can shake a stick at.

Keeping busy is good for me, especially in a long and grey month like January. That said, I am promising myself a full weekend of lazing about next weekend and just doing all the things I like to do best: sleeping, watching Netflix and drinking tea :-)

Life Update:

- Closing the month with 12.6lbs lost so far. Hoping for the last 1.4lb by Saturday the 31st so that I've lost a stone in a month!
- Reading The Help and trying to make time for it though I can definitely improve!
- Acheived my goal of four posts this month with this last post
- Working lots of overtime this month to put towards paying off my overdraft 

Oh, and I bought myself a very fancy new scale:

So shiny!

I hope you had a lovely January :-)


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